- Distributed Version Control System
- Parrot, especially PGE and TGE
- docs/art/pp001-intro.pod - a general introduction
- docs/art/pp002-pmc.pod - a good introduction to PMCs
- docs/art/pp003-oop.pod - an introduction to Object Oriented Programming in Parrot
- examples/tutorial
- docs/vtables.pod
- docs/pdds/pdd15_objects.pod
- docs/imcc/syntax.pod - syntax description of the PIR language as accepted by its current compiler
- docs/pdds/pdd03_calling_conventions.pod
- docs/pdds/pdd20_lexical_vars.pod
- docs/ops
- docs/pmc
- programming language
- XPath
- Backup
- Version Control
- Perl
- Emacs
- Emacs-w3m
- Emacs Muse
- Org Mode
- Emacs Lisp
- gdb
- GNU Screen
- Mutt
- Perl
- Emacs
- Common Lisp
- Version Control